These aren't bad. Your style has matured since the 'Beatnik boiled in Java' days but the same impulses are there, just much more seasoned. I trust all is well with you. Hitchhiking corpses stole my soul. -B.B.
Well if it isn't B.B. Yes, I have come a long way since Ball - o - Spear. Good to hear from you The CIA Stole my Brain. - B.B.
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These aren't bad. Your style has matured since the 'Beatnik boiled in Java' days but the same impulses are there, just much more seasoned. I trust all is well with you. Hitchhiking corpses stole my soul. -B.B.
Well if it isn't B.B. Yes, I have come a long way since Ball - o - Spear. Good to hear from you The CIA Stole my Brain. - B.B.
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